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Disaster Response

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Natalie Johnson
Planning Consultant

Public Health Preparedness Program 

The Public Health Preparedness Program is responsible for the planning and program development for the Department of Health to protect the public health of Florida's citizens and visitors from the effects of manmade and naturally-occurring events.  The goal of the program is to train and exercise staff and volunteers in areas of preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation to these disasters. The PHP program collaborates with local Emergency Management staff and the Regional DOH staff to meet planning, training and exercise needs of health care workers in both the public and private sectors.

Jackson County Health Department’s PHP program is primarily responsible for:

• Annual review and update of the health department’s emergency plans and annexes to include:

          ο Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

          ο Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)

          ο Special Needs Shelters (SpNS)

The Department of Health provides limited support at SpNS open before, during, and after a hurricane. Jackson County has 1 Special Needs Shelter in the Marianna High School at 3546 Caverns Road, Marianna, FL 32446.

(Pre-registration is available through the Jackson County Emergency Management Center.)

          ο Strategic National Stockpile (SNS)

          ο Pandemic Influenza

• Coordinating exercises and drills to test emergency plans after training

• Coordinating with Environmental Health and Disease Control staff on disease surveillance as well as supporting coordination of      strike teams

• Coordinating with community partners to include: Emergency Management, Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue, Hospitals, and School Board, Public Works, Region 1 Emerald Coast Healthcare Coalition.

• Project Public Health Ready accreditation

• And much more!

     If you are at the Department of Health Jackson County (JCHD) when a tornado warning has been issued, a JCHD employee will take you to a designated "tornado shelter" within the building.  Once you are situated in the shelter area,
if possible, assume a kneeling position, head down, with hands covering your head.  Wait until the ALL CLEAR signal is announced and you will then be taken back to your previous location.
     If you are at the Department of Health Jackson County after there has been an actual tornado strike of our facility, JCHD staff will
evaluate injuries, administer first aid, and take appropriate action.

     ●     In other buildings move to a small interior room or hallway on the lowest floor and get under a sturdy piece of furniture.  
            Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside.
     ●     Be aware of flying debris.  Flying debris from tornadoes causes most fatalities and injuries.  Stay away from windows.
     ●     Get out of automobiles.  Do not try to outrun a tornado in your car; instead, leave it immediately for safe shelter.
     ●     If caught outside or in a vehicle, lay flat in a nearby ditch or depression and cover your head with your hands.

Emergency contact information:  911 for fire, police and EMS

What SHOULD YOU do in a Flood?
Department of Health Jackson County would like to provide you with some dos and don'ts regarding flood waters.  This information is provided by our Environmental Health Department.

flooded wells(23.30kb pdf doc) updated 2/26/2013
health issues(23.14kb pdf doc) updated 2/26/2013